Is Medellin Safe? Here’s What You Need to Know

Colombia’s second largest city, Medellin, has recently boomed in tourism for its great climate, exotic flowers, delicious coffee, and amazing culture.  What’s interesting, though, is that Medellin was once recognized as one of the most dangerous cities in Latin America.  Thanks to its transformation over the last few decades, the world is changing its perspective on this amazing city.  However, many people still wonder, is it safe to travel to Medellin, Colombia?  To prevent any travelers from missing out on the opportunity to experience Medellin, let’s take a look at how safe it really is and what tips can improve your security.


Is Medellin Safe?

Yes, Medellin is a safe place for travelers from all over the world.  In fact, tourism has fueled Medellin’s economic growth; many jobs have been generated to support the new tourism, new hotels continue to pop up overnight, and the improved lifestyle of many residents has also created a better experience for tourists.  Not only are tourists coming for short vacations, but business travelers are also increasing, with many companies based out of Medellin and international associations coming to do business here as well.

This transformation did not happen overnight; rather it took planning and hard work from the government and locals alike.  The city has implemented effective public transportation and invested in social infrastructure programs that include education, health, and youth services to improve the quality of life.  This has resulted in less crime and less poverty throughout the city.

Today, Medellin is celebrated for its transformation.  In fact, tours like the Comuna 13 Graffiti Tour are symbolic of the change that this city has undergone.  What was once the most dangerous neighborhood in Medellin is now a place where artists can display their work and tourists can come and learn about the history of this city. 

Although visitors can feel confident that Medellin is significantly safer than it used to be, that doesn’t mean that safety precautions shouldn’t be taken.  As with any big city in the world, crime does happen, especially after the recent pandemic that affected millions of people.  By following these tips, you can decrease your chances of being involved in a crime (whether in Medellin or in any other city in the world).


Travel Safety Tips in Medellin



  1. Know your surroundings

Even if it’s your first time in Medellin, you should always be aware of your surroundings.  Thanks to the great public transportation system in Medellin, it’s easy to visit different areas of the city.  As with any city, there are some areas that are better off avoided.  Before taking the Metro and walking around unknown areas, you should have an idea of where you are and where you’re going.

  1. Be cautious of pickpockets

No matter where you travel, you should always be cautious of petty theft, such as pickpocketing.  To prevent this from happening, always keep your valuable items (such as your wallet and phone) in a safe place.

  1. Take taxis at night

Walking alone at night puts travelers more at risk of petty theft.  If you’re out late, it’s recommended to get a taxi home instead of walking.  You can call a taxi from the street or download one of the many apps that helps you arrange transportation.

  1. Enjoy nightlife responsibly

Medellin has a great nightlife, and we encourage anyone who’s interested to enjoy the great bars and restaurants.  That said, you should always be careful while you’re drinking, whether you’re in your hometown or in a new country.  You should be cautious with your belongings, never leave your drink unattended, and take taxis home after a long night.

  1. Save emergency numbers

Many people make the mistake of traveling and forgetting to memorize or write down the emergency numbers of the city they’re visiting.  These numbers are important for any type of emergency, ranging from petty theft to injuries to problems with immigration.  Save the following numbers before traveling to Medellin:

  • National emergency number: 123
  • Information: 113
  • U.S. embassy in Colombia: (+57) (601) 275-2000


Traveling to Medellin, Colombia

Medellin has gained the attention of travelers all over the world, and for good reason.  Its safety, beautiful culture, and variety of activities attract solo travelers, friend groups, and families alike.  Whether you’re interested in extreme activities, a cultural experience, or just relaxing and enjoying the amazing food and views, Medellin is a great travel destination.

Despite the fact Medellin has transformed into a modern and safe city, it never hurts to have support when you visit a foreign country.  When you work with an experienced travel agency, they can help you organize excursions and offer valuable tips for your time in Medellin.


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